Weed Control 101: The Best Products And Methods For A Weed-Free Lawn

Weed control can be handled easily when you use the right products. The key to success is appropriately evaluating your lawn’s individual needs. Maintaining a healthy lawn is one of the best ways to keep weeds out of sight.
Whether your lawn is overrun with weeds or you are just looking to eliminate a specific species, a lawn weed killer is available to make your job easier. Having so many available options at your disposal might seem overwhelming. Consider the points below before embarking on your journey of weed destruction.
Pre- and Post- Emergent Weeds
Weeds are invasive creatures that suck life from your lawn at all stages, and when they are preparing to emerge and storing excess energy or actively growing and spreading, they can have a nasty impact on the health and appearance of your lawn. Pre-emergent lawn weed killers are designed to target weeds before they sprout and begin using the sun’s rays to fuel an army. Post-emergent weed killers can be broad-spectrum or specifically targeted to one species, such as dandelions. A combination of both products can be used safely for persistent weeds to ensure they are kept at bay.
Cool and Warm Season
Different species of grass have peak growing times and dormancy periods. Warm-season grasses and cool-season grasses typically have opposite growing seasons. It is important to treat your lawn for pre-emergent weeds during the dormant season so that it doesn’t have to struggle against weeds for nutrients in the peak season. During growing periods, your lawn should be regularly inspected for weeds to be selectively pulled or targeted with lawn weed killer.
Knowing what you are dealing with is half the battle. Not all lawn weed killers are the same. They make very specific products to treat different weeds and other invasive species, such as fungi. Fungi infestations can be anything from a mushroom fairy ring to a powdery spore that smothers your entire lawn in patches. Full-spectrum weed killers often treat many species of fungus, but if the problem is out of control, you may just want to tackle the fungus directly.
Routine Maintenance
The key to success is regular care and staying on top of your lawn’s needs. Weed killers should be used as directed by the packaging instructions. The majority of companies will provide a maintenance schedule for their product. You can’t treat your lawn for weeds one time and expect them to stay gone forever. Regularly keeping up with the weeds will strengthen your lawn, and the work will become less intensive.
Lawn Perfection There is a wide range of specific weed killers for every season, and you should choose one suitable for your lawn’s needs. Having a show-worthy lawn requires regular upkeep, and weeds stick out like sore thumbs. If left unchecked, it can quickly become an overwhelming nightmare. A combination of seasonal lawn weed killer treatments applied judiciously will help eliminate any weeds that slip through the cracks while permitting your lawn to resist new growth.